Runner’s Fix
Runner’s Fix
$ 330.00 USD
Our resident Chaski Physical Therapist Rachel Boim, DPT, is here not only to keep you running healthy but to help you find and address any weaknesses or inefficiencies in your running mechanics that could cause a problem down the road.
Analysis and PT can be done virtually from anywhere on Earth with a camera and an internet connection.
Includes a 30 minute consultation with Dr. Rach. Based on her assessment, you may qualify for one of our Runner’s Fix programs. Runner’s Fix programs are designed to address the 5 most common injuries runners experience and include exercises to strengthen, stabilize and mobilize specific injuries common to runners.
$ 330.00 USD
$330.00 USD
/4 weeks
*One-time payment + a one-time $99 new athlete fee
*One-time payment + a one-time $49 new athlete fee
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